Always Available

Joyce Meyer – May 17, 2024
A small branch sitting on an open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from Hearing from God Each Morning

…The upright shall dwell in Your presence (before Your very face).

The fact that the Holy Spirit lives inside of us proves His willingness to always be available to speak to us and help us when we need Him. As we continue to grow spiritually, we will experience temptation, but God has given us the Holy Spirit to enable us to resist it and make right choices instead of wrong ones. Nevertheless, no human being is perfect, and we will make mistakes. But God's forgiveness is always available to us through Jesus Christ. Receiving this forgiveness strengthens us and enables us to keep moving forward with God. It also puts our hearts at peace, sets us free, and helps us hear God's voice clearly.

Feeling defeated and condemned by every mistake we make weakens us. Instead of using our energy to feel bad about ourselves, we should use it to make sure our hearts are tuned to God's voice as He leads us into greater strength and deeper relationship with Himself. His forgiveness and His Presence are always available to us through the Holy Spirit. As you seek God today, I encourage you to receive His love and mercy. His arms are open and He is waiting to spend time with you.

Prayer of the Day: Lord, thank You for Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for forgiving me, leading me, strengthening me, and guiding me through the peace only found in You. Fine tune my heart to always receive and follow peace, amen.

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