Following God’s Peace @tag1>

Adapted from Hearing from God Each Morning
And God's peace…which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
I have written several devotions on the subject of God's leading His people through peace, but I want to mention it one more time because it is so important. People who do things they don't have peace about have miserable lives and don't succeed at anything. We must follow peace. Today's verse assures us that God leads us though peace. If you are doing something, such as watching television, and you suddenly lose your peace about it, you have heard from God. A lack of peace in that situation is God saying to you, "Turn it off. What you are watching is not good for you."
If you lose your peace when you say something, God is speaking to you. Apologizing right then will save you a lot of trouble. You can say, "I am sorry I said that. I was wrong to say it; please forgive me." God wants to be involved in all of our decisions. One of the ways that He lets us know how He feels about what we are doing is by either giving peace as approval or withdrawing it as disapproval.
If we don't have peace, we are not obeying God because we are to let the peace of God rule as an umpire in our hearts (see Colossians 3:15). Anytime we lose our peace, we must stop and be sensitive to what God is saying to us. Peace serves as a compass in our hearts, pointing us in the right direction. This is why God in the Bible says: Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14 AMPC).
Prayer of the Day: Father, I know that following Your peace will keep me out of trouble, and I definitely need help in that regard. Guide me with peace and prompt me to listen to Your still, small voice. Cause me to be sensitive to Your leadership, in Jesus’ name, amen.