Prayer: A Ready Defense

Joyce Meyer – Dec 10, 2023
An open Bible on a desk for reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from Wake Up to the Word

And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and [really] believing, you will receive.

Our first line of defense against discouragement or disappointment is prayer. The best advice I can give you is to pray at the beginning of each day and each project, and during every trial and disappointment. Don’t merely pray for the situation to go away, but instead pray that you will be able to handle the problem, maintain the character of God, and display the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer invites the power of God into our lives. It is foolish and a waste of energy and time to try to do anything before praying. Pray at all times, in every season, with every manner of prayer (see Ephesians 6:18). We forfeit more than we can imagine because we often fail to pray.

Remember that God wants you to come to Him in faith, trusting Him to meet your needs and accomplish His plans and purposes in your life.

Prayer of the Day: Thank You, Father, that You hear my every prayer and that it doesn’t have to be long and complicated. Prompt me to pray before I even step foot on the floor in the mornings, and before starting anything new. I am grateful that I can have a continuous conversation with You all through the day, amen.

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