No Time for Worry @tag1>
He is never late! @tag2>

Forty years ago, I’m not sure I would have ever believed that one day I’d teach others how to live free from worry. I was the queen of worrying—I often say that I was good at it!
I worried about the bills; I worried about my children; and I worried about all of the housework that needed to be done. Then, while I was actually doing the housework, I worried about cooking dinner and washing the dishes.
I always wanted to “know” everything and figure it all out. I not only wanted to know what I was going to do tomorrow, next week and next year, but I wanted to know what God was going to do and how He was going to do it!
It’s one thing to trust God, but it’s another thing to keep trusting Him when it doesn’t look like He’s going to come through. Have you ever had thoughts like, If God doesn’t come through quickly enough, how long am I prepared to wait?
Trusting God is an absolute necessity when we are waiting for things He has promised—whether it’s a dream for ourselves or even a breakthrough for a child or loved one.
For example, my oldest daughter, Laura, was a great source of concern for me when she was younger. Her room always seemed to be a mess, and she was the type of person who would come home from school or work and just start dropping things—her shoes, coat, bags, purse—anywhere she wanted on the way to her bedroom.
Now, if you know anything about me at all, you can see why I was frustrated. But I wasn’t just frustrated; I was worried about how she would ever take care of herself when she moved out on her own. How will she be responsible enough to pay her bills and keep her house clean? What if she ever has children?
I had to trust the Lord with my children and believe He had a plan for them...and that He’d help them to grow and mature in order to be everything they could be.
Well, for years I saw almost no progress with Laura. Sometimes, it seemed to actually get worse. However, in time, she began to radically change. In fact, today she not only does a terrific job taking care of her house, husband and children, but she also helps me keep my life in order!
I can honestly say that I had some type of concern—a reason to worry and fear—about each of my four children. But in every case, God came through—maybe not when I thought He should—but in His perfect timing for their lives. Today, Dave and I couldn’t be more proud of them.
So, let me ask you: Are you praying for something or someone to change? Then I want you to remember these three words: Don’t give up! Remember, we’re not on our own timetable—we’re on God’s timetable, and He is never late.
“Are We There Yet?”
During seasons of waiting, it’s easy to get impatient. I imagine that to God, we must remind Him of children in the back seat of a car, in a hurry to get to the destination. Over and over we ask, “Are we there yet?”
It’s during these seasons that doubts will come and try to convince us that God won’t come through for us…or that maybe we didn’t hear from Him after all. That’s when we need to trust! That’s when we need to continue looking at our future with “the eyes of faith,” confident that God will do what He said He will do.
Hebrews 11:1 (AMPC) says, Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].
We need to exercise our faith for those things we haven’t yet seen but believe are still coming. Trust is God’s antidote for worry, fear and doubt!
I honestly can’t even tell you how many times over the years the enemy has come at with me doubts concerning what God spoke to my heart for this ministry—things like, “Who do you think you are? You are going to go around the world and teach God’s Word?”
However, when those doubting thoughts from the enemy came, I had to exercise my faith. Instead of worrying, I had to choose to trust God and believe what He spoke to my heart!
God Is Always on Time
When you’re playing the waiting game—when you’re tempted to doubt, worry and throw in the towel—I want you to think about Abraham.
You probably know the story. God promised Abraham that he would have a child and become the father of many nations. However, Abraham and Sarah were already quite old and well past their childbearing years. So, how did Abraham respond?
Romans 4:18-19 (AMP) says: In hope against hope Abraham believed that he would become a father of many nations, as he had been promised [by God]: “So [numberless] shall your descendants be.”
Without becoming weak in faith he considered his own body, now as good as dead [for producing children] since he was about a hundred years old, and [he considered] the deadness of Sarah’s womb.
Abraham considered the facts. But he still believed God was greater. Verse 20 goes on to tell us:
But he did not doubt or waver in unbelief concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and empowered by faith, giving glory to God.
I love this! When it seemed like “the promise” had already long passed him by and there was no reasonable hope to think God could still come through, Abraham refused to stop trusting God!
Abraham is such a great example for how to act while we wait. Instead of relying only on what we see around us, you and I can choose to believe God’s Word.
So, what are you believing for today? Is it your dream or vision? Are you praying and trusting God for the salvation of a family member? Are you desperately hoping to see change in your spouse? Are you trusting God with your children’s future, believing Him for direction and guidance? Is there a situation that has been “dragging on forever”...something you so badly want to see resolved?
Whatever the case may be, it’s no time for worry.
In your mind, you may think it’s time for a backup plan. That’s why you can’t rely on your own insight and understanding. When those thoughts come—when you’ve waited and waited and feel worry creeping in—that’s when it’s time to step out and experience the faithfulness of God.
The Lord promises that those who place their trust in Him will never be disappointed (see Romans 10:11). He knows just what you need, and He is always on time.