Image of the app

Carry hope wherever you go with the Joyce Meyer Ministries app!

Download now for daily inspiration and more.

Enjoy Joyce’s daily show, devotional, and special content just for the app!

Come back every day for new content from Joyce all in one place.

Store resources in your digital library, and enjoy 3 free gifts upon download.

What people are saying...

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So grateful for God’s uplifting word through this app!

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I read the daily question and devotional every day. Thank you!

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Amazing to have all of Joyce’s messages in one click.

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Awesome! Enjoy it every day. Will not start my day without it!

Download the Joyce Meyer Ministries app

App Store
Play Store

Stream Joyce on your TV!

Joyce Meyer on TV

Download the Joyce Meyer TV app on your streaming devices and explore the library of Enjoying Everyday Life and Talk it Out episodes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Technical Support

Most of the issues you may be experiencing can be resolved by clearing the cache on your browser. After clearing the cache, completely close out of the browser; reopen and re-launch our website, For more instructions on how to do this, you can visit the help or support page of your provider’s web browser.

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


  • Go to your app store to ensure that you’ve downloaded our official Joyce Meyer Ministries app.
  • Install any updates for the Joyce Meyer Ministries app.
  • Install any updates for your phone.
  • Close all of your active apps, turn off your device and turn it back on.
  • If you’re still having issues, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.