Say That Again @tag1>
Six Strategies for Speaking Life and Blessings @tag2>
Did you know your words can change the course of your whole life? It’s true! God’s Word says that our tongue is like the rudder of a ship, and it can redirect our lives (James 3:4-5).
Proverbs 18:21 (ESV) says it this way: Death and life are in the power of the tongue….
Because there’s so much power in our words, we can do a whole lot of good with them. When we speak positive, encouraging words about ourselves, our lives, and other people, we’re able to build them up and bring life to every situation.
Learning to speak life-giving words has been a lifelong journey for me, and every bit of progress has come straight from God and His Word. He loves you so much, and He’ll help you grow in this area, too.
Here are six life-changing strategies that He’s taught me throughout the years about the words we speak:
Use your words to bless.
One of the best ways you can use your words is to speak blessings over everything around you. These are faith-filled words that can bring life to others and your situation. Some of the first words I say when I get up in the morning are, “God, I bless this day in Jesus’ name. I bless my husband, my children, my friends, my work, our partners, and myself. I’m blessed because of Jesus, and I’m living in the blessings of God.” It really helps me start my day with the right attitude.
Be thankful and say so.
Take a few minutes every day to thank God for everything you can think of—from hot water, to food, to a roof over your head—and thank people when they do things for you.
Psalm 107:1-2 (AMPC) says, Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good…. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so….. This simple practice makes a huge difference when we’re waiting for a breakthrough. When we thank God that He’s working on that situation behind the scenes, it helps us remember and trust that He’s actively involved in our lives, and that freedom is coming.
Encourage and build others up.
Words of encouragement are powerful. They can actually make a person feel better physically and emotionally. I remember once when I got a text message from my youngest son, saying, “I love you.” At that moment, I literally felt refreshed by his words. They gave me the extra dose of strength I needed that day. Today, think of the people you’re going to be around, and ask God to put a word of encouragement in your heart for them (Isaiah 50:4 NIV).
Tell the truth.
If we’re committed to the truth, at some point we’ll need to admit our weaknesses and make hard choices. Sometimes telling the truth hurts―and we just don’t want to offend someone or risk our reputation. But Ephesians 4:15 tells us to let our lives lovingly express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly] (AMPC), so our goal should always be to speak the truth in love.
Hang on to the truth, no matter what. When you do, the Bible says, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32)!
Learn when to stop talking.
Many times, we just need to be quiet. Proverbs 10:19 (ESV) says, When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.
Before you start to discuss things you feel strongly about, ask yourself how much you really need to say. Get quiet and listen for God’s voice. He’s promised to teach you what to say, so you can trust Him to lead and guide your words (Luke 12:12).
Speak the Word of God.
Jeremiah 23:28 (NIV) says, …Let the one who has my word speak it faithfully…. The Amplified Classic version of Jeremiah 23:29 says, the truth is like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock [of most stubborn resistance]. I love that!
Speaking God’s Word out loud has transformed my life in countless ways. For example, many years ago, after I had tried and failed several times to stop smoking, God started dealing with me to speak out the truth that I was free from it (John 8:36; Romans 8:2). I felt really foolish at first, saying, “I can’t stand to smoke. I don’t smoke anymore,” all with a cigarette in my hand! But as I did what God put in my heart to do each day, God gave me His grace to quit, and I’ve been free ever since!
Sometimes you have to hit an obstacle many, many times before it cracks open, so keep hitting your problems with the hammer of God’s Word. Speak it out loud, over and over again. Eventually, it will break down the hardest things you’re facing, because God’s Word always accomplishes what it was sent to do (see Isaiah 55:11).