God Is Greater Than Your Problems @tag1>
…and it all begins with studying His Word @tag2>

Do you have a problem today that seems too big to handle? Maybe it’s a rocky relationship, emotional pain from past hurts, financial pressure, or a lingering issue that seems you’ll never get over. Or maybe it’s a combination of things that makes you want to give up.
If so, I want you to know something: You may have a problem today that seems too big for you—but it’s not too big for God. In fact, He has the answers for every problem you will ever face…and it all begins with studying His Word.
The Bible is our handbook for living—it has all of the answers to living a peaceful, enjoyable life. When we regularly spend time studying God’s Word and then do what it says to do, we are sowing seeds that will reap a harvest.
For instance, if you plant a peach seed, then take time to water and nurture it properly, it will produce a tree that yields an abundant harvest of peaches. In the same way, when we allow God to plant His Word in our hearts, there is the potential for a huge harvest. As we nurture that seed by continuing to study and meditate on His Word, everything in our lives will continue to get better and better.
So, do you have a problem or need that doesn’t seem to be going away? Then it’s time to look to God’s promises for help. Here are just a few of the many things God’s Word can do in our lives.
#1. The Word is a light for our path.
I love Psalm 119:105 because it’s such an accurate depiction of how God leads and guides us. It says, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (ESV).
God’s Word is the primary way He speaks to us. And like a lamp, He uses His Word to help “illuminate” the path in front of us, showing us the next step to take. Then, as we move forward in faith, He shines His light a little further and gives us another step.
I can’t tell you how many times the Lord has used His Word to give me direction about my life or even simply speak a word of encouragement at just the right time.
If you’re looking for direction, take some time to read and study God’s Word and allow Him to “shine a light” on the road in front of you. Then begin to move forward in faith, knowing He will lead you step by step into His good plan for your life.
As you do, you’ll begin to hear from God in a greater way than ever before. His Word is life, and it contains the answers to every situation you will ever face.
#2. The Word brings stability and fruitfulness.
Psalm 1:3 provides some pretty amazing promises for the person who delights in God’s Word and chooses to meditate on it regularly. It says:
He will be like a tree firmly planted and fed by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season; its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers and comes to maturity (AMP).
I think it’s fascinating to look at large, healthy trees that have been around for years. They have thick, full branches with a massive underground root system that spreads both deep and wide. When a storm comes, although the branches may sway, its foundation stands strong and immovable.
Similarly, as we spend time growing in the Word, we become like one of these strong, healthy trees. We become “rooted and grounded” in God (Ephesians 3:17), and our spiritual roots grow deep and wide.
Yes, we will all go through unpleasant circumstances from time to time. But if we’re rooted in God’s Word, our “branches” may sway in the wind, but our foundation will remain solid. With God, we can go through our tough times with peace and joy and actually come out stronger on the other side!
When we continue to study and do what His Word says, it causes everything to blossom—our work, our gifts and talents, our relationships, our walk with God...everything.
#3. The Word strengthens us against temptation.
Psalm 119:11 (AMP) says, Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart, that I may not sin against You.
Did you know God’s Word will help you to want to do the right thing? Before we know the Word, we can sin and really not feel too badly about it. But once we begin studying the Word, doing the wrong thing makes us very uncomfortable!
The Word begins changing us on the inside, helping us to want to do what’s right.
The Lord also gives us the strength to fight temptation and do what His Word says. I love Isaiah 41:10. God tells us, “...Do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties...” (AMPC).
When we spend time in the Word, it strengthens us on the inside, and the Lord “hardens” us so we can stand up to the difficulties and temptations that come our way. He literally gives us the power to say no to things that aren’t good for us.
I encourage you to take a few moments right now to think of an area where you feel weak or struggle with a particular temptation. Take a minute to pray and ask the Lord to strengthen you in that area.
#4. God’s Word gives us hope.
Hope is the confident expectation that something good is going to happen. It’s closely related to our faith and what we believe. When we dare to hope, it floods our life with joy and peace.
The enemy wants us to be hope-less. He wants to convince us that our best days are behind us and nothing will ever turn out right. But God wants us to be full of hope—believing, expecting and anticipating great things from Him. In fact, the Bible says He is the “God of hope,” full of mercy and new beginnings (Romans 5:13).
The fastest way to fill your heart with hope is to open God’s Word and begin reading about His promises, His love, and His great plan for your future. As you read, ask the Lord to fill your heart with expectancy and anticipation of the good things He can do in your life.
One thing I like to regularly do—and I encourage you to do the same—is speak out this hopeful statement each morning: “God is good, and something good is going to happen to me and through me today!”
So, are you stuck in a problem and can’t see a way out? Would you like to rediscover your hope and joy? Then take some time to refresh yourself with the Word...and allow the “God of hope” to help you see your future with a whole new perspective.
When we continue to study God’s Word and do what it says, it causes everything to blossom.