One of the Most Powerful Things You Can Do @tag1>

Adapted from The Power of Being Thankful
By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing love among yourselves].
Purposely forgetting about ourselves and doing something for someone else—even while we are hurting—is one of the most powerful things we can do to overcome evil. And thankfully, God can help us do that.
When Jesus was on the cross in intense suffering, He took time to comfort the thief next to Him (see Luke 23:39–43). When Stephen was being stoned, he prayed for those stoning him, asking God not to lay the sin to their charge (see Acts 7:59–60). When Paul and Silas were in prison, they took time to minister to their jailer (see Acts 16:27–34).
If we will wage war against selfishness and walk in love, the world will begin to take notice. We will not impress the world by being just like them. But how many unsaved friends and relatives might come to know Jesus if we genuinely love them instead of ignoring, judging, or rejecting them? I believe it is time to find out, don’t you?
Prayer of the Day: Father, I pray that You will give me the ability to put the needs of others before my own. Thank You that Your love has the power to change lives. Help me demonstrate that power today.