Living to Give

Joyce Meyer – Dec 25, 2023
A woman holding a Bible, preparing to read a daily devotional.

Adapted from Quiet Times with God

Do not neglect to do good, to contribute [to the needy of the church as an expression of fellowship], for such sacrifices are always pleasing to God.

It can be a healthy exercise to ask ourselves, What am I doing to help someone else? Can you think of the last person you helped?

Of course, we usually help our families during our daily activities, or we give gifts at Christmas, but I’m talking about something beyond that. I’m talking about living to give. A joyous and meaningful life is not found in what we get but in what we give.

How many people do we know who need help, and yet we have not even considered being the one to help them? When we start asking these difficult questions, we can find our answers disappointing. However, we can always get reappointed and begin doing the right thing.

I want to encourage you to purposely help people in need. Look for them and find some way to help.

Prayer of the Day: Lord, I want to be a person who lives to give. Prompt me to seek opportunities to help and lift others up in Your name, and I pray my actions reflect Your love and Your awesome kindness, amen.

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