How to Avoid Frustration @tag1>

Adapted from Managing Your Emotions
So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.”
Have you ever been frustrated because you were doing everything you knew to do in a situation, but nothing worked? I believe we all have. After years of being frustrated most of the time, I finally learned I was placing too much trust in myself and my own efforts and not enough in God.
As Christians, we often think we should be doing or achieving something. But if that were true, we would be called “achievers” instead of “believers.” We are responsible for doing certain things, but many of us go far beyond our God-given responsibility and try to do things only God can do.
What needs to be accomplished in our lives won’t happen in our own strength; it will be done by the Spirit of God as we place our trust in Him. The Holy Spirit enables us to do what we need to do, and He does what we cannot do. We are partners with God; He has a part, and we have a part. Our part is to trust God and do whatever He leads us to do. His part is to work on our behalf and accomplish what needs to be done in our lives. God will not do our part, and we can’t do His part. This is an important lesson to learn if we want to avoid frustration.
When I feel frustrated, I know I have slipped into trying to make things happen by my own efforts and stopped fully trusting God. As soon as I get my trust back where it belongs, which is in God and not in myself, I start to feel relaxed again.
Prayer of the Day: Lord, I commit to do my part, and I trust You to do what only You can do by Your Spirit.