God of the Impossible

Step out and trust God for a new beginning

Joyce Meyer
6 min read
God of the Impossible

The first of the year is a time of new beginnings—a season when many people set goals, plan for the future and think about changes they want to make. It’s an opportunity to start fresh.

Perhaps there are changes you would like to make this year. Maybe God has given you a dream or vision for your life, and you’re still waiting for it to come to pass. Or you may be praying for a breakthrough in your marriage, your finances or your family. Maybe you’re battling an addiction or a serious illness. It could even be something that seems impossible.

Whatever it may be—big or small—I want you to know there is hope for your situation because God is the God of new beginnings. With Him, nothing is impossible! (See Luke 1:37 NIV.)

Whenever we step out and trust God to do great things in our lives, the enemy will always try to stop us—he wants us to give up. One of Satan’s favorite tricks is to bombard our minds with thoughts like, It’s never going to happen…there’s no way you can pay your bills…your kids will never change…there’s no way you will ever get over your past.

However, with God, there is always a way. In Isaiah 43:19 (NIV), God says, Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

I love this scripture! In other words, God is saying, “It doesn’t matter what your situation looks like or how long it’s been that way. I am God, and I can do the impossible in your life! If need be, I can even cause a river to flow in the desert.”

Are you faced with the impossible? Are you growing tired of waiting for change? If so, it’s not time to give up. It’s time to raise your expectations and choose to believe that God can make a way.

Trust God to Turn It Around

It’s easy to give up hope when things get difficult or it seems like nothing is happening. Sometimes people get stuck where they are and don’t know how to get out, so they think giving up would be easier. Maybe that’s where you are today—you feel like you don’t have the strength to try again or keep believing.

If so, I want you to know that you are stronger than you think because of Christ in you. Even if you can’t see the way out, God can. In fact, His Word says that He is the Way (see John 14:26 NIV). If you can do nothing else, God desires for you to simply place your hope in Him and choose to believe that He can turn this thing around!

I believe my life is the perfect example. Because of the sexual abuse I endured as a child, my life didn’t get off to a good start. By the time I turned eighteen, I had already experienced tremendous emotional pain. It affected my mind, my personality and every part of my life.

I eventually met my husband, Dave—a mature, godly man who was praying for a wife who needed help. I believe he got more than he bargained for! Early on, our marriage was extremely difficult because my wounded emotions kept popping up. I was negative, critical and impossible to please. And since I had been abused by my father growing up, I vowed that I would never again let another man control me.

After we married, I developed a relationship with the Lord and began to read what His Word says about emotional healing—that He could give me “beauty instead of ashes” and take away the shame and pain of my past (see Isaiah 61:3,7 NIV). I became determined to see God’s promises come true in my own life.

However, in the early years, there were times when it seemed like I would never change. Dave later told me that he would often go out for a drive just to pray and cry. He was overwhelmed, but he continued to put His hope in God to change me.

I’ll be honest, there were many times that I wanted to quit and give up. I can remember one specific evening during my prayer time; I was literally on my knees, holding on to the legs of the table so I wouldn’t run away. Everything in me said, “Just give up! This is too hard, and you will never change anyway.” But I knew what God’s Word says, and I knew He was my only hope.

Today, I can say that I am a completely different person. The Lord has not only healed me from the pain of my past, but He is also allowing me to help others receive the same healing. But none of this would have happened if I would have given up in those early years.

You’re in the Perfect Position for a Miracle

If God has given you a dream for your life, one of the greatest things you can do is keep believing that it can come to pass, regardless of what your circumstances may look like right now.

Life can be difficult, and that is why you need the power of the Holy Spirit to help you. The Bible says He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).

When you feel weak, the Holy Spirit will give you the grace and strength to get up and move forward. He will lead you one step at a time into the good life God has planned for you. Your part is to take those steps and never give up.

Remember, failure does not mean there are no more options. When all else fails, you can start again, try again and dream again. Then choose to focus on the good things God is doing in you and celebrate those victories all along the way.

I believe you are destined to do great things. God created you for a purpose, and He has a plan for your life that only you can fulfill. Best of all, He promises to help you fulfill it and complete the good work He began in you (see 1 Thessalonians 5:24 NIV; Philippians 1:6 NIV).

So, whatever you are dealing with right now, I encourage you to keep pressing on—keep praying, believing and trusting. Promise yourself that you will never again say, “There is no way.” Because when you put your hope in God, you put yourself in the perfect position for a miracle.

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